ADA & Road Signs
Back in 1990, The Americans with Disabilities Act regulations, or ADA regulations, was first enacted to protect the rights of handicapped individuals by clearly marking safe access in public places. The best way to make sure you’re compliant is to work with a knowledgeable company on your sign project. We provide everything from traffic control and safety to parking, public access, and fire exits with the latest technology.
- Handicap Parking
- Traffic Control
- Public Access
- Fire Exits
- Directional & Street Signs

The Department of Transportation (DOT) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have specific laws and requirements to protect the public, employees, and drivers.

Traffic signs are critical elements of the highway because they communicate the rules, warnings, guidance, and other highway agency information that drivers need to safely and efficiently navigate roads and streets. Well maintained signs are important as they help drivers make good decisions. The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways (MUTCD) specifies three classes of signs defined by their function.
- Regulatory Signs-Rules of the road
- Warning Signs-Advance warning to drivers
- Guides Signs-Driver navigation
OSHA regulates most workplaces and specifications for safety signs, accident prevention signs and safety tags are spelled out in 29 Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) 1910.145. These specifications cover all safety signs except those designed for streets, highways and railroads. These specifications do not apply to plant bulletin boards or to safety posters.
- Danger Signs-Indicates special precautions necessary in red, black and white.
- Caution Signs-Warn against potential hazards with yellow background and black text.
- Safety Instruction Signs-Used for general instructions and suggestions relative to safety measures with white backgrounds, green panels and white or black letters.